Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Roxbury Camp Meeting (August 4-14)

This past week I was at Roxbury for the big camp meeting. While there I helped do a variety of things. My schedule was arranged so that I could help with the children’s and the youth’s activities but I mainly helped with the junior high youth and it was a blast! In my time with the junior high I worked alongside Dwight Myers, Jason Wenger, Neil Heisey, and Curtis Yeager.
            The theme for the week was Heroes. Neil was the main speaker throughout the week and he challenged the teens to be a hero in their everyday lives. We talked about a number of people in the Bible and how God used them to be a hero. A theme that was consistently brought up through the week was that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.  I was talking to a boy from my church, Caesar, and I was just asking him what he learned from the week, he said he learned that God can use anyone and that he didn’t have to be extraordinary to be used by God. Caesar said that prior to coming to Roxbury he had thought God wouldn’t use him because he’s not good enough. This is what the week was about…changing lives for Christ. The truth is that these youth have so much potential for the kingdom of Christ. They are full of passion and excitement that Satan has no place in reckoning with!
            This week was somewhat of a challenge for me. It was my last week as the intern and I was spent! Midway through the week I was feeling run down, exhausted, and almost like I was checking out, then I went to the Lord in prayer, something I should have been doing more of this week!! I know that it’s not without the strength he gave me that I made it through the week not to mention the summer! He truly is my supply, everything I need; nothing else can take His place in my life!
            It was a pleasure working along with the team of other leaders this week! While the week was a lot of fun I know that there were lives changed for Christ and that is our purpose!

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